Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Magazine ads, posters and point of purchase materials for a local performance shop that is known around the world for it’s owner and ski expert Lou. The first day these were placed in the major Calgary Sun newspaper Lou received many calls about the ‘not so usual’ ski creative that people loved. Increased traffic and sales followed.


Print ads for an upper scale sex shop in Calgary that attracts the finer demographic. Classy look, some cheeky copy, tasteful sex work.


CompuGent in Calgary, is now fixing more then just PCs.

Aids Calgary

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Don't let addiction outline your life.

Minks - hair extensions

Good moments can't wait for ever. Enjoy now.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Spec Raid

Simple like Raid.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Alberta Ballet

These transit posters and bus inserts were created to attract the ‘not so usual’ ballet goer. Hot bodies and a beautiful look make the ballet a lot more digestible to those that usually would never watch a single act. Not sure if it was the bodies or the headlines but Pattison media said they had to constantly refill the media spaces because people were stealing the posters.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Tea and Time Emporium

These postcard concepts were made for a fine tea distributor in Calgary. Tasty look.

Qualico Homes

All grown up? These newspaper ads were made for Qualico Home Builders in Calgary.

Janice Beaton

Other spec work to a fine cheese store on Calgary. Some eye candies to remember every time is time for cheese and the spring season is coming soon.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Qualico Homes - Lunch Invitation

The idea is simple, but the photoshop work made this postcard looks sharp.


We’re a performance shop, not a fashion outlet. Not to say that our outerwear doesn’t look great because it does, but the quality and performance of what we sell is what matters most. We like to think of it as function over fashion. That's Lous.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More stuff

A few more samples of design style, for those that always ask for more.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Facial treatment - Getting older, getting better.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Supermarket brochures

Price, picture, price, picture, price, picture. Repeat. That’s retail for you sometimes isn’t it? Biondi did design work for Brazil’s largest Super Market chain for a few years. Worthwhile layout experience for massive, repeat print runs.